Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Regularity - AKA Poop... You've been warned

So without getting into much detail, I've been having certain digestive issues for some time now.  I chalked it up mostly to poor eating habits and stress.  Digestive distress makes me cranky, and no one likes cranky Kim.  However, since I've been on Plexus, my tummy and its colleagues have been happy.  They are working together instead of feeling like they're fighting against each other.

I was talking to a fellow teacher and Plexus user the other day, and we were saying how wonderful it is not to worry about passing gas in front of a room of teens.  No one should have to worry about that sort of thing.

And though I mentioned this in my last post, my bloat is way down.  I lost at least an inch in my first week without losing a pound just from losing all that gas.

So there's my crazy open and honest report on my digestive system.  At least it was sort!  LOL

Next time, how Plexus has changed some unexpected areas of my health.

Have a great day!!

For more information, please comment below or go to my Plexus page at  http://www.plexusslim.com/kimhammons

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