Friday, August 28, 2015

I Don't Like Me When I'm Hangry

The struggle is real, people!  For as long as I can remember, hunger has made me short tempered, whiny, and unfocused.  There have been times when I would snap and Nathan, and would just ask "When did you last eat?"  The worst part with that he was ALWAYS right!  He knew when I was lashing out from hunger.

Blood sugar naturally fluctuates throughout the day, but mine would cause that all too familiar feeling of deep seeded disdain that hunger brought out in me.  These extreme fluctuations were caused partly by my diet.  I didn't realize how much they these bouts were affecting me until they stopped.

How did they stop?  You guesses it!  Plexus!!  The "pink drink" helps to maintain healthy blood sugars.  I no longer find myself moody in the afternoons.  Though I still get hungry, I don't feel extreme pangs of hunger or serious urgency.  My sugar cravings have gone way down.  And I can walk past a plate of cookies in the teachers' lounge without even flinching!!  These result are due mostly to the chromium in the product.

I am thrilled not to experience such irritability anymore.  I'm pretty sure my friends are thrilled about it too! ;)

For more information, please comment below or go to my Plexus page at

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