Sunday, August 30, 2015

Plexus Information - TriPlex

Plexus Information

I am amazed at the responses to my Plexus journey.  Many people have asked me for more information about the products, so I’m doing a series of posts about them.  This post will include the basic history of Plexus, the philosophy of the products, and the TriPlex option.  TriPlex includes the “pink drink,” ProBio 5, and BioCleanse.  This is the package that I started with, though they can be purchased separately.

Philosophy of Plexus
While Plexus has been used by many for weight loss, the key to its success is overall health.  Weight loss is a natural byproduct of a healthy gut.

All of the products sold by Plexus are designed to work together.  That’s part of what makes the Plexus system so simple.  Your Plexus ambassador (me) is well trained and can help you figure out the right product(s) for you.  Every body is different so Plexus does not take a one-size-fits-all approach.

Plexus Slim (Pink Drink)

Image result for plexus slim

Plexus Slim was originally designed to stabilize blood sugar and improve insulin efficiency for those with diabetes.  Plexus realized that Slim could benefit anyone.  The same ingredient that helps stabilize blood sugar (chromium) has a host of benefits for the human body.  It is not a meal replacement.  It is not a shake.  And it tastes great!

Key Ingredient: Chromium.  Here are some general affects of chromium in the body.
  • Maintains healthy blood sugar throughout the day, which curbs cravings and stabilizes your mood.
  • Promotes health cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and protein more efficiently
  • Slows the loss of calcium
  • Facilitates the absorption of glucose in the brain.  Glucose is the only source of energy for the brain, so a steady supply is important for brain function.
  • Improves sleep

ProBio 5

Image result for plexus probio5

ProBio5 is a probiotic and enzyme combination.  Probiotics support digestive health but are most effective with paired with the right enzymes.  So why are probiotics so important?  Your body has a balance of bacteria (biotics) and fungus (yeast).  Without enough positive bacteria, yeast can over grow.  An overgrowth of yeast can cause:
  • Skin and nail fungal infections
  • Feeling tired and worn down, or suffering from fatigue
  • Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
  • Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus, and brain fog
  • Helps maintain healthy levels of yeast
  • Strong sugar and refined carbohydrate cravings
ProBio5 is specifically designed to break down the stubborn forms of yeast.  Yeast is important in the break down of our bodies after we die.  While that’s an important role, we don’t want it to do its job before its time.

Key Ingredients: Proprietary blend of probiotics AND enzymes


Image result for plexus biocleanse
While ProBio5 promotes positive bacteria and the death of excess yeast, BioCleanse makes sure that those toxins and yeast gets removed from the body.  On top of the cleansing aspects of BioCleanse, the key ingredient (magnesium) has many other affects.  Please note that BioClease is not like other "cleanses" on the market.  It does not simply flush you out indiscriminately.  In fact, if you're taking the right dose for you, you shouldn't spend unwanted time in the bathroom.  Your ambassador will help you figure out what that dose is for you.

Key Ingredient: Magnesium.  Here are some general effects of Magnesium in the body.
  • Needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body
  • Regulates digestion
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Regulates blood glucose levels and aid in the production of energy and protein.
  • Facilitates oxygen uptake which promotes energy and muscle function
Purchasing Options
Plexus has a 60-day money back guarantee.  You can try any product and receive a refund if you don’t like it.  This guarantee is unique because you can try a product for longer than 60 days and still receive a two-month refund.  For example, you can try the Plexus Slim for six months and if you decide that it isn’t working for you, you still get two months refunded to you.

You can purchase though  There are three options that affect your price.  You can make a one-time retail purchase, which is the most expensive option.  You can sign up as a preferred customer, which comes with automatic shipments every 30 days and a discount.  These automatic shipments can be canceled at anytime.

The third option is to become a wholesale shopper.  This will get you the deepest discount for an annual fee of $34.95.  You also get commission of your own purchases if you buy more than $100 in a month.

If you have further questions, please contact me!  I’ll post about other products as the week progresses.


Friday, August 28, 2015

I Don't Like Me When I'm Hangry

The struggle is real, people!  For as long as I can remember, hunger has made me short tempered, whiny, and unfocused.  There have been times when I would snap and Nathan, and would just ask "When did you last eat?"  The worst part with that he was ALWAYS right!  He knew when I was lashing out from hunger.

Blood sugar naturally fluctuates throughout the day, but mine would cause that all too familiar feeling of deep seeded disdain that hunger brought out in me.  These extreme fluctuations were caused partly by my diet.  I didn't realize how much they these bouts were affecting me until they stopped.

How did they stop?  You guesses it!  Plexus!!  The "pink drink" helps to maintain healthy blood sugars.  I no longer find myself moody in the afternoons.  Though I still get hungry, I don't feel extreme pangs of hunger or serious urgency.  My sugar cravings have gone way down.  And I can walk past a plate of cookies in the teachers' lounge without even flinching!!  These result are due mostly to the chromium in the product.

I am thrilled not to experience such irritability anymore.  I'm pretty sure my friends are thrilled about it too! ;)

For more information, please comment below or go to my Plexus page at

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Regularity - AKA Poop... You've been warned

So without getting into much detail, I've been having certain digestive issues for some time now.  I chalked it up mostly to poor eating habits and stress.  Digestive distress makes me cranky, and no one likes cranky Kim.  However, since I've been on Plexus, my tummy and its colleagues have been happy.  They are working together instead of feeling like they're fighting against each other.

I was talking to a fellow teacher and Plexus user the other day, and we were saying how wonderful it is not to worry about passing gas in front of a room of teens.  No one should have to worry about that sort of thing.

And though I mentioned this in my last post, my bloat is way down.  I lost at least an inch in my first week without losing a pound just from losing all that gas.

So there's my crazy open and honest report on my digestive system.  At least it was sort!  LOL

Next time, how Plexus has changed some unexpected areas of my health.

Have a great day!!

For more information, please comment below or go to my Plexus page at

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Journey to Plexus

About a month ago I got my hair cut and realized that it was the first time I had seen my stylist in about two years.  I was suddenly hit with the reality that my hair was a metaphor for my life.  I had been neglecting myself for years.  I was holding on to the past (the ends of my hair) despite that fact that it wasn’t healthy.  And most of all, I was ready to let go of that past and to seek out healthier life (and hair).

You see my life had seen many changes, and I had put my needs (especially my physical health) on the back burner.  As my divorce began, I knew that I wanted to invest in myself again, but I also knew that I had very little margin in my life for exercise and diet.  I dear friend of mine recommended Plexus to me.

As a rule, I’m not very trusting of supplements.  FDA rules about supplements are very lax, and they seem to come in and out popularity.  So I did what I always do.  I went home and researched for hours over multiple days.  Plexus lists all of its ingredients online and on their packaging so I looked up every ingredient separately as well as their combined effect.  I asked questions and the more I researched, the more excited I became!  This stuff is scientifically sound!

So I began taking three Plexus products.  It was the first step in my road to taking care of myself.  I woke up, drank my Pink Drink, and took my ProBio and BioCleanse with meals.  It took very little effort, so despite my lack of physical and emotional energy, it was easy to stick with it.  I didn’t change my eating habits or exercise at first, but I saw changes quickly.  My skin was smoother and softer.  My pants started to feel loose.  I hadn’t lost much weight yet, but my after lunch bloat was gone!  I know what you’re thinking.  TMI!!  Tell More Information!  My energy, my mood, and my sleep improved.  I began to feel more confident that I really could turn my body around.

One of the things that drew my to Plexus other than the testimonies of my friends was the way in which Plexus began.  Plexus did not set out to be a weight loss formula.  It was originally designed for diabetics to help regulate blood sugar.  While it helps many lose weight, the top priority of Plexus is overall health!  Plexus is very open about what goes into their products, and how they test those products.  While there are a ton of testimonials, Plexus doesn’t rely on anecdotal evidence to sell their products.  The science and nutrition behind every ingredient tested and well founded.

I can’t wait to see how far I can go with Plexus.  For now, I know that I feel better than I have in a long time.  I’m taking care of myself again, and Plexus has been a pivotal part of that change!

For more information, please comment below or go to my Plexus page at